Värms jorden upp? Reid Bryson-intervju
Myth of A Warming Earth
Se på MSN Joe Kernens (CNBC) intervju av Reid Bryson, från december 2007.
Reid Bryson avled i juni i år, 88 år gammal. CO2 Skeptics beskriver honom här.
JK - What if Al Gore's wrong? What if the consensus belief that humans are causing global warming is just plain incorrect? There's something called 'cascading' which results in consensuses that are wrong. There've been many things written on this; for example, that fat definitely causes heart disease -- we know that that isn't necessarily truth. Well our next guest believes that there are forces at work that are far larger than you and I when it comes to climate change. Joining us now, the man who has the title known as “the father of climatology science“. His name is Doctor Reid Bryson, senior scientist at the University of Wisconsin Center for … Climatic Research. Also professor emeritus at the university, and let’s just get right to it, professor: Is the earth warming?
RB - Well, it’s been warming for at least 300 years, because we’re coming out of the little ice age.
JK - Is humankind causing warming?
RB - For 300 years, no. Maybe some effect now. Back in 1968 I suggested that perhaps man could have some small effect on the climate, and that was just left off the stage.
JK - Okay, what about carbon emission. We… It is just de facto that carbon dioxide is attributable to what people perceive as causing global warming. Is it carbon dioxide? Is that the main effect of what’s determine the climate?
RB - I don’t think so. Carbon dioxide… The effect that you calculate depends on what kind of constant you stick into your model. You can make it do anything you want to. I know. I’ve done enough climate modeling myself to know one can make anything being the main effect. I don’t think it’s carbon dioxide, because the effect of carbon dioxide is actually very very small. Maybe a few hundreds of a percent of what water vapor does, so to say.
JK - Water vapor… -- I’ve read that before -- water vapor, that’s much more powerful than CO2. What about the sun? What about sun spots? What about radiation coming from beyond the planet?
RB - Well if you go wave your hands, and say “let’s find some other thing other than carbon dioxide, you can grab in almost anything. You can say it’s the number of [?] in the oceans, if you wish.
JK - Well, how in Gods name did we get to this point were we are, where policy makers, where corporations, where 2500 scientists have reached the consensus that the earth is warming, and it’s due to human activities related to greenhouse gas emission.
RB - Well, why did we get to the point where we think that consensus is any way to get the science? After all, Copernicus once was in a minority when he said that the earth evolve around the sun and they said the sun evolves around the earth, and if we believe the consensus, then we still have the sun going around the earth. Consensus has nothing to do with scientific truth. If everyone agreed on something we would never have any progress. No new ideas at all.
[nn] - Doctor Bryson, are you saying therefore, there’s simply no need whatsoever for any controls on petroleum use, the Kyoto treaty, anything -- that there’s simply need of any of that?
RB - I didn’t said that at all, nor did I mean that, because that’s a different question. After all, petroleum and those products are finite in amount, but don’t mix it up with climate change. Because you’re talking about different kind of things.
JK - Doctor, is there something for mankind to look at at the age of the earth in… through the prism of ones own life. Isn’t that absurd right from the start. You made the case that if you look at hundreds of thousands of years we may actually be entering a cooling phase where we’re heading towards an ice age. ...
RB - Well, in the last couple of million years -- that’s a pretty good example -- we’ve been through a number of ice ages, and they come in predictable intervals. And my calculations are that we’ll be in the next ice age with the maximum ice in about 8000 years, but that doesn’t…
JK - No bye a winter coat based on that necessarily, but people are doing that based on global warming right now.
RB - That’s on a century scale. They are talking about year and decades here, and I don’t think they can make a forecast even for ten days [...].
Tillbakalänkning: SvD.
Andra bloggar om: samhälle, miljö, global warming, växthuseffekten, klimat, klimatet, klimatförändring, konsensus, vetenskap
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