
söndag, maj 06, 2007

Om EU:s guidebok...

En rätt gammal grej, men viktig och detta videoklipp var värt en postning. Glenn Beck tog för några veckor upp EU:s nyligen visade känsla för yttrandefrihet.

Uttrycket "islamic terrorist" ska alltså ersättas med "terrorist who abusively invoke islam". Den moderate muslimen Zuhdi Jasser (*) beskriver detta som ...
"... nothing short of intellectual appeasment; Chamberlain would be proud ..."
"I don't even get the political correctness part. This is what they call themselves."

Ett exempel i Asociated Content:
"'The 2004 Madrid train bombings killed 191 people and wounded 2,050. The attack was reportedly carried out by individuals associated with the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group.'

Under the new EU lexicon, will that now be 'The Moroccan Terrorists Who Abusively Invoke Islam Group'?"

Se även Telegraph 30/3 2007.


(*) M. Zuhdi Jasser, ledare för AIFD, American Islamic Forum for Democracy.

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