
tisdag, december 18, 2007

Folkomröstningsprotesten i Strasbourg

Postar ut detta då frågan är så principiellt viktig samt då videon var lite intressant.

Den 13 december skrev ju EU-ländernas ledare på EU:s nya fördrag (SvD). Dagen innan då Portugals premiärminister Jose Socrates, innehavandes EU:s presidentskapet, skrev på fördraget i Strasbourg, genomfördes en protest för folkomröstning (BBC). Brittiska UK Independence Party var ett av partierna bakom protesterna, som de beskriver här.

Om jag inte minns fel lutar det åt att alla EU-länder utom Irland godkänner fördraget i sina respektive parlament, utan att "äventyra det" (legitimera det) med folkomröstning.

Protesterna filmades alltså och lades med lite pålägg ut på Youtube:

Här är en Systran Soft-översättning (beklagar usla ordföljden mm) av den franska informations-texten på Youtube:

The Charter of the Basic rights, old part II of the late European Constitution, was solemnly proclaimed this Wednesday December 12 in Strasbourg, the European Parliament, and was signed by the Presidents of the three institutions (Parliament, Commission, Conseil). The purpose of this “ceremony” was to make accept the legitimacy of a text, simply published in the official journal of the EU, and who was however rejected by referendum by the two only people having been consulted by a constraining referendum in 2005.

This proclamation is a parody of democracy, symbol of the will of a small ultra-européiste elite to make pass in force late Constitution, parcelled out and presented in an order different but identical when to the bottom, and from now on baptized treated of Lisbon.

This is why the deputies of coordination Identity, Tradition, Souveraineté made a point of expressing on this occasion the true direction, for them, of the “right” words, “citizens” and “democracy” by claiming the consultation of all the European people on the Constitution (a) with the cry of “referendum!”. Several tens of their colleagues proceeded in the same way.

The reaction of the Establishment (usher sending, which could not about it but, to try to put an end to the demonstration, insults and threats of sanction) is it also symbolic system: the only allowed opinion in a Parliament which however claims to give lessons of democracy to the whole world is the quiet tender and the happy acceptance of the bureaucratic dictatorship of the European Union.

(Hat Tip: Gates of Vienna, via the Devil's Kitchen)

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