Geert Wilders om islam, assimilation och immigration
Ett viktigt ämne, och bl a beroende på en liten diskussion jag just hade med en bloggare här fick jag för mig att posta detta intervju-klipp med Geert Wilders, som snart släpper en omdiskuterad film om koranen (Brussels Journal).
Uppdatering 29/3: Intervjun i länken ovan verkar av Yahoo ha gjorts otillgänglig, men här är intervjun på Youtube:
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Intervjun handlar bland annat om problemet med radikal islam och behovet av assimilation. På grund av det förra har Wilders ständigt livvaktsskydd.
Drygt 13 minuter 4:40 in i det andra klippet, alldeles efter att Wilders sagt att han aldrig kommer att moderera sitt budskap och att det skulle innebära att de muslimska extremisterna vinner och yttrandefriheten förlorar (att ingen vågar tala om man ger efter för mordhoten), får han denna fråga:
Greg Palkot: - Where do you see things going? In Holland? In Europe? Between Christianity versus Islam faith? Are you optimistic, or are you pessimistic?
Geert Wilders: - From nature I'm very optimistic, and unless... unlike everything I will stay very optimistic. But to be honest, if you look at the majority of the politicians in the Netherlands, but unfortunately in many more countries on our continent, I'm very pessimistic. I'm very pessimistic in the way that I believe that the political elite is not wakening up, is putting their head under the carpet. That the distinction and the gap between the folks [...] and the political elite is growing more and more, which will be also a destabilizing factor in many European countries. And as long as the political elite doesn't take the questions, and the threats, the problems of large parts of their constituents seriously I'm very negative. And Europe is getting in the wrong direction entirely. We are...
Palkot: - But don't you see the mainstream politicians shifting a little bit towards your side. I mean in terms of immigration, security?
Wilders: - Not... No! I mean, listen, our new government is just reign one year, and one of the most important things - at least that what they claim themselves - what they did is a [...], what we call a general pardon. It means that they legalized almost 30000 illegal people who often already went to two or three courts, were denied it permanently, because they were lying about application to stay in Holland as an asylum seeker or any others... of course, and they was just legalized. Like Spain did a couple of years ago with higher numbers.
Palkot: - Now Holland have some of the toughest immigration laws in Europe.
Wilders: - Come on, we have not tough immigration laws at all. If you want to get your spouse from Morocco, she would have to do a small test for five minutes, that she knows that Beatrix is not the king of Norway. I mean, this is something like a test which they have to do to say three words which are not French, but Dutch. This is not strong immigration. If you look at the numbers from the last year, they are almost as high as they were from the numbers from the year before. And when it comes to asylums they are even growing again. So don't let them fool you. This is not true. We are not stopping immigration at all, and we are still unfortunately go to the [...?...], and the government is still playing politically correct, and the large amount of people who live in my country are fed up with it, and if they don't really take it seriously not only my party will grow, I'm sure they won't to like that, but my party will grow, but it will bring the country to a more destable position than stable position, which of course is not good. You should solve the problems if they are real, and they are real.
Här kan man nog tänka sig att Sveriges situation, där en majoritet av asylsökanden får stanna -- och kanske i stort sett alla, då visst de som får avslag på ansökan inte alltid avvisas -- är väl så allvarlig som Hollands. Det även med tanke på ett kraftigt ökat antal asylsökande samt förväntad ökad anhöriginvandring. Detta lär ge en dramatiskt ökad invandring i ett läge där kommunalråden i Malmö, Göteborg och Södertälje säger att situationen är ohållbar. Den lär på sikt bli ohållbar på flera håll.
Min åsikt är att vi borde bestämma oss för vilken invandring vi vill ha och kontrollera vår invandring, just som Frankrikes f d utrikespolitiske rådgivare -- som också ser risker med islam -- förslog i denna Axess-intervju.
Här är förresten en trailer för Wilders film, vars sensmoral bl a är att Blair och Bush inte förstått riskerna med islam samt innehåller ett stycke med Robert Spencer.
Relaterade artiklar:, The Times Sydafrika,
Andra bloggar om: samhälle, Europa, islamism, islam, islamisering, Holland, Nederländerna, invandring, integration, Geert Wilders
Uppdatering 29/3: Intervjun i länken ovan verkar av Yahoo ha gjorts otillgänglig, men här är intervjun på Youtube:
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Intervjun handlar bland annat om problemet med radikal islam och behovet av assimilation. På grund av det förra har Wilders ständigt livvaktsskydd.
Greg Palkot: - Where do you see things going? In Holland? In Europe? Between Christianity versus Islam faith? Are you optimistic, or are you pessimistic?
Geert Wilders: - From nature I'm very optimistic, and unless... unlike everything I will stay very optimistic. But to be honest, if you look at the majority of the politicians in the Netherlands, but unfortunately in many more countries on our continent, I'm very pessimistic. I'm very pessimistic in the way that I believe that the political elite is not wakening up, is putting their head under the carpet. That the distinction and the gap between the folks [...] and the political elite is growing more and more, which will be also a destabilizing factor in many European countries. And as long as the political elite doesn't take the questions, and the threats, the problems of large parts of their constituents seriously I'm very negative. And Europe is getting in the wrong direction entirely. We are...
Palkot: - But don't you see the mainstream politicians shifting a little bit towards your side. I mean in terms of immigration, security?
Wilders: - Not... No! I mean, listen, our new government is just reign one year, and one of the most important things - at least that what they claim themselves - what they did is a [...], what we call a general pardon. It means that they legalized almost 30000 illegal people who often already went to two or three courts, were denied it permanently, because they were lying about application to stay in Holland as an asylum seeker or any others... of course, and they was just legalized. Like Spain did a couple of years ago with higher numbers.
Palkot: - Now Holland have some of the toughest immigration laws in Europe.
Wilders: - Come on, we have not tough immigration laws at all. If you want to get your spouse from Morocco, she would have to do a small test for five minutes, that she knows that Beatrix is not the king of Norway. I mean, this is something like a test which they have to do to say three words which are not French, but Dutch. This is not strong immigration. If you look at the numbers from the last year, they are almost as high as they were from the numbers from the year before. And when it comes to asylums they are even growing again. So don't let them fool you. This is not true. We are not stopping immigration at all, and we are still unfortunately go to the [...?...], and the government is still playing politically correct, and the large amount of people who live in my country are fed up with it, and if they don't really take it seriously not only my party will grow, I'm sure they won't to like that, but my party will grow, but it will bring the country to a more destable position than stable position, which of course is not good. You should solve the problems if they are real, and they are real.
Här kan man nog tänka sig att Sveriges situation, där en majoritet av asylsökanden får stanna -- och kanske i stort sett alla, då visst de som får avslag på ansökan inte alltid avvisas -- är väl så allvarlig som Hollands. Det även med tanke på ett kraftigt ökat antal asylsökande samt förväntad ökad anhöriginvandring. Detta lär ge en dramatiskt ökad invandring i ett läge där kommunalråden i Malmö, Göteborg och Södertälje säger att situationen är ohållbar. Den lär på sikt bli ohållbar på flera håll.
Min åsikt är att vi borde bestämma oss för vilken invandring vi vill ha och kontrollera vår invandring, just som Frankrikes f d utrikespolitiske rådgivare -- som också ser risker med islam -- förslog i denna Axess-intervju.
Här är förresten en trailer för Wilders film, vars sensmoral bl a är att Blair och Bush inte förstått riskerna med islam samt innehåller ett stycke med Robert Spencer.
Relaterade artiklar:, The Times Sydafrika,
Andra bloggar om: samhälle, Europa, islamism, islam, islamisering, Holland, Nederländerna, invandring, integration, Geert Wilders
Etiketter: europa, islam, yttrandefrihet
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