
onsdag, mars 11, 2009

Diverse... -- Bawer, socialism, utbildning och klimat

1) GayandRight om ny bok av Bruce Bawer.

2) "How To Tell We Are In BIG Trouble", av Larrey Anderson i American Thinker.
"France, Germany, and Italy are warning other Western governments not to follow in US Democrats' economic footsteps. They are urging other countries NOT to run up huge debts in an effort to “stimulate” the Western economy.

When France, Germany, and Italy are to the right of the United States … something is wrong.

According to the Financial Times: [...]"

3) Min klimatblogg: Orwellskt postmodern flumvetenskap i skolan?

4) I en sammanfattning av öppningen av the International Conference on Climate Change nämner Peter Foster i Financial Post bl a hur (rätt enkelt begripligt) misslyckade alternativa energikällor är (endast utsläppsrätter är nog mer skadliga i så kallad klimatpolitik):
"One of the most devastating presentations came from Gabriel Calzada, a Spanish economist who indicated how Spain’s “leadership” in subsidizing wind and solar power — which had been praised by President Obama — had produced enormous costs, no benefits and was now falling apart. “Green jobs” were calculated not only to cost around half-a-million Euros a pop, they came at the expense of two “normal” jobs. And they were now disappearing as the renewables bubble collapsed."

5) I klippet nedan varnar Dr. E. Calvin Beisner för konsekvenserna för fattiga om man minskar fossilenergi för att istället satsa på mycket dyrare s k alternativ energi.

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