
torsdag, oktober 22, 2009

Från frågestund med Wilders

Wilders tal, som föregår detta klipp, finns i fyra klipp en bit ned i denna Atlas-post.


Svaret på sista frågan avslutas:
"We can not cope with the islamic influences that we have today, so instead of making it worse I advocate that we stop the islamization of our societies, that we stop the immigration of people from muslim countries and try to invest in people that are already there. And let me tell you that many muslims already present in the Netherlands support this point of view, because they know that we have a better chance to integrate in our societies when we don't keep the door open and many more will come to our societies."

Det är även min erfarenhet att många invandrare har denna åsikt. Följande synpunkter har visst Ken Ring (berör inte just islam, men kultur):

Relaterat i media: SDS, AB, KB, DN, GP1, GP2
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