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Etiketter: tips
Etiketter: tips
"Although few conventional and familiar symbols may be traced in her landscapes, the feeling of nature and the signs of its constant development."
"The West is becoming more liberal and decadent, Islam is becoming more conservative and dogmatic."En TT-artikel idag om Marocko avslutas med orden:
"...den generella trenden är en ökad konservatism som en följd av religionens växande inflytande i samhället".
We were talking about how to identify the enemy and last week Helen Thomas… […] It was after the Christmas bombing incident and they were talking with the counter terrorism, and her question was "-Why do they want to do this?", and the answer was "-Well, because there is a warped version of Islam that is motivating them", and her question again was "-Why? Why would they warp a religion in order to attack us", as if that was the order that it happened in. -We got to attack America, let’s warp Islam. What do you say to people who would jump through any mental hopes in order to make us the bad guy, because her conclusion is that they are fighting a war to be isolated and sovereign, not a war against us. How do you answer that?
Let me say this, and... I don’t care of being popular or whatever. The first thing you got to do is you got to study and understand who you’re up against, and you must realize that this is not a religion that you fight against. You're fight against a theopolitical belief system, a construct. You’re fight against something that’s been doing these things since 622 AD, the seventh century, 1388 years. You want to dig up Charles Martel and ask him why he was fight the Muslim army the Battle of Tours 732? You want to ask the Venetian fleet at Lepanto why they were fighting a Muslim fleet 1571? You want to ask the Christian… I mean the Germanic and Austrian knights why they were fight at the gates of Vienna 1683? You want to ask people what happened at Constantinople on what today is called Istanbul because they lost that fight in 1453? You need to get into the Koran, you need to understand their precepts, you need to read the Surah, you need to read the Hadith, and then you can really understand this is not a perversion. They are doing exactly what this book says.
I want to close by saying this […], until you get principled leadership in United States of America that is willing to say that, we will continue to chase our tail, because we will never clearly define who this enemy is, and then understand their goals and objectives -- which (are) on any jihadist website -- and then come up with the right and proper goals and objectives to not only secure our Republic, but to secure Western civilization.
Etiketter: islam
I’m going to talk to you today about Britain. Britain, that little lost country which fell off the end of Europe and is now finds itself stranded in the middle of the Atlantic, and to which America must pay the closest possible attention for two reasons. First of all, Britain is a very important link in the Western alliance to defend Western civilization, and my contention, as I outlined in my book Londonistan, it is now a weak link. The weak link. And secondly, England, even though it is small punches above its culture […] it is the mother ship of English speaking culture and where Britain goes today the rest of the English speaking world goes tomorrow. And we in Britain take a lot from America, but we also give a lot to America. A lot of it has been good, and a lot of it now is bad, and your security establishment, in particular, is taking the worst possible lessons from ours about this threat which we are all gathered here, this weekend, to discuss and of which Campus Jihad is both a symbol, and in Britain much more than a symbol.
In Britain the universities are one of the key centres of radicalization of British Muslims. In Britain we have major major problem. Our British Muslim children, born and bread in Britain, are being radicalized in Britain by British institutions to an extent to which their parents are not radical. The normal projectory of immigrants that children and their grand children become assimilated into the culture is in reverse in Britain. They are being radicalized in Britain. And one of the means radicalizing them is on campus, where institutions operating just below the radar [...] radicalizing them. Now, what is so horrifying is the scale of it. In 2005 a report by Professor Anthony Glees estimated that up to 48 British universities had been infiltrated by Islamists extremists. And we have a litany of… a long list of Islamists terrorists who have been radicalized on British campuses, and have gone on to blow up Israel-, American targets, European targets, as well as British targets. Now, the really horrifying thing is that this is being done with a connivence of both the university authorities and the British government.
We have a quite remarkable situation in Britain where the British government, for reasons I don’t have time to go into now, has decided that the way to fight Islamic radicalism is basically to absorb its narrative. It does not believe that we are facing a religious war. It believes that the terrorism that Britain is facing… and there are literally thousands of thousands of British Muslim young people who are in the terrorist ambit; we are facing something like 30 known major Islamist plots and between 2 and 4 thousand known individuals to the security service who are Islamist terrorists, that‘s known. So we know the extent of the problem, but the British government think that this is because these Muslims are being given a false interpretation of Islam. And so, in order to provide the antidote to terrorism, which is not to be called Islamic terrorism -- indeed our lead Minister in the counter terrorism area has described the terrorism that we face as, quote, "anti-Islamic activity" […] -- so the government has decided the antidote to the "anti-Islamic activity" of the Islamic Jihad is to provide more Islam -- real Islam -- to British Muslims, so they would be led away from the error of their ways in pursuing the false Islam of al-Qaida. And so they are using the Muslim Brotherhood to do that. They are using the Muslim Brotherhood against al-Qaida, and there are many "learn it"-seminars in our defence department, our security establishment, about how it is very unsophisticated not to have this divide and rule mentality. After all we are British, and we did run an empire on these lines. So the government actually thinks this can be delivered by Saudi Arabia.
Various things follow. First of all they refuses to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir. Now Hizb ut-Tahrir is a group, a global group committed to the overthrow of Western civilization and replacement by the Caliphate. In certain countries it believes to pursuing violence to achieve these ends, in other countries it believes in not pursuing violence. It’s a matter of tactics. In Britain it does not pursue violence. It prioritizes political Islamism. But the government believes on the analogy of the cold war, when it believes the intelligence communities of both Britain and America helped, found, and support organizations committed to socialism in order to divert impressionable and idealistic young people away from communism. So it can promote Islamism -- Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi backed religious nut cases who cares -- to attract impressionable young British Muslims, so that they wont join al-Qaida and blow us up. The idea that there is a seamless projectory between political Islam and al-Qaida -- that they are nearly two sides of the same coin; two arms of a pincer of the Jihad movement -- they would not accept. It doesn’t occur to them. So the government is actually promoting Islamic centres attached to every university as a means of providing an antidote to al-Qaida. As a result it is very comfortable about the fact that the Saudi Arabia has provided today something like 230 million pounds sterling to fund the development of such Islamic centres and to provide Islamic studies, which the British government says, quote, "are strategically important subject in counter Islamization"; Islamic studies. Now these Islamic studies are promoting anti West, anti America, anti Israeli, anti Jewish views. They also act an umbrella for explicitly anti Israel policy, because they are provided in the ambit… the Islamic studies are provide the overall umbrella for Middle East studies.
And so, for example, at Saint Anthony College in Oxford, which is the highly prestigious post-graduate college -- a part of University of Oxford -- again Professor Glees has estimated that the Middle Eastern Centre, which is funded by Saudi Arabi, at this Middle Eastern Centre 70 percent of its political lectures are implacably hostile to the West and to Israel. The University authorities generally do not accept any of this. When Anthony Glees publishes -- he published many studies showing the extent of radicalization on campus, the extent of Saudi infiltration, funding, and so on --, and, for his pains, the University authorities tried to get him sacked and generally made his life a misery.
At Cambridge University a couple of students who in the Student Union Newsletter published a disrespectful article about religion, religion in general as students will, and they pre-published one of the famous cartoons, and they also published absurdly juvenile insults against both Islam and Christianity. The result was students went into hiding, the University authorities threatened to suspend them, they called in the police, the police threatened to prosecute them. They were hounded, they were sent down. And the end of the story is that they weren’t actually prosecuted, but they were forced to apologize. Who did they apologize to? They apologized to Muslims and to Islam for the insult, they apologized to Christianity for the insult, and they apologized to Jews for the insult. They didn’t actually mentioned Jews, but nevertheless University authorities thought it was prudent in these times in Britain to apologize, basically, to every religion in the world, in case somebody might be insulted, and somebody might actually do something nasty.
The Universities simply refuse to act at all. The Foreign Office invited a hundred academics to bid for something like a million pounds in funds to participate in a counter radicalization program. They all refused. One of them said [...] this would, quote, "encourage researchers to identify subjects and groups associated with terrorism, that could be interpreted as encouraging […] to become infamous".
We have even more surreal situations. The government adviser on Islamic studies, Dr Ataullah Siddiqui, is director of an institution which has links to radical Islam. The government is now working with the Federation of Student Islamic Societies, which is heavily influenced by the Jamiat-i-Islami group and the Muslim Brotherhood which gives a platform to extremists. The result of all this is that we have radicalization of Muslim students. A recent survey showed in Britain 32 percent of British Muslim students believe that killing in the name of religion is justifiable. 40 percent wants to live under Sharia law in the United Kingdom. 18 percent feel little or no loyalty to the United Kingdom. 36 percent of young Muslims, age 16 to 24, support the death penalty for apostates, and 13 percent admire al-Qaida, and in response to this survey the President of the National Union Students, a gentleman by the name of Wes Streeting, said it was, quote, "a reflection merely of the biases and prejudices of a right wing think tank". This is what happens when one talks the truth in Britain about radical Islamism. One is accused of being right wing than which of course there is no greater crime and sin, and one is undermined by the British government, the British security service, and the British establishment, which in not understanding and acknowledging what we are fighting against is seeding the ground to our enemies. Thank you.
Etiketter: europa, islam, utbildning, yttrandefrihet
Although I’m now Minister for Justice, working along side the Lord Chancellor, Jack Straw, who send his good wishes, I was until three weeks ago Minister for International Development. [...] It’s also been a privilege working with Islamic Relief. Muslim Aid, Muslim Hands, and many others. Come on, a round of applause for the Muslim NGO’s!
[...] My work as International Development Minister has resulted over the next three years with the UK assisting Bangladesh to the tune of 370 Million Pounds, Pakistan Inshallah 480 Million Pounds, Palestine Inshallah 243 Million Pounds, Yemen in access of 100 Million Pounds, not to mention Sudan and Somalia.
I’m proud of the achievements of the Muslims of this country from -97. In 1997 we got our first Muslim MP. In 2001 we had two Muslim MP‘s. Im 2005 we had four Muslim MP’s. Inshallah in 2009 we’ll have 8 Muslim MP’s. In 2014 we’ll have 16 Muslim MP’s. At this rate the whole Parliament would be Muslim! [...] But you know, we got four Muslim MP’s, there should be 20 Muslim MP’s, and Inshallah very shortly we’ll see that. And I’m confident, as Britains first Muslim Minister, that Inshallah in the next 30 years or so we’ll see a Prime Minister in this country who happens to share my faith.
Today we’re showing the true face of Islam. [...] Our future in this country is very bright. Thank you very much.
Detta är historien bakom ritandet av den teckning som användes i Dagbladet, från israelinews.org:
"Tatiana Soskin var bosatt i Hebron, den judiska staden som av FN delas lika mellan judar och araber. Det judiska befolkningen i Hebron består av 500 judar varav 350 är barn medan den arabiska befolkningen är 80 000. Med andra ord, araberna är i flertal gentemot judarna med 160 mot 1! Så mycket för myten om att judiska "bosättare" tar över Hebron!
Tatiana var en ung kvinna som beslutade sig för att uttrycka lite av sin frustration och ilska över det terrorkrig som palestinierna förde mot hennes judiska vänner. I juni 1997 ritade hon flera bilder av en gris som hon kallade "Mohamed". Hon försökte att sätta upp dessa teckningar på av araber ägda butiker i Hebron... inte olikt vissa av de osmakliga bilder araber ständigt hade satt upp på judiska butiker och byggnader. Olyckligtvis kom Tatianas gryende konstnärskarriär att avslutas då hon greps av israeliska myndigheter och fördes till Jerusalems polisstation. Tatiana arresterades och ställdes senare inför rätta. Domare Zvi Seagal ledde rättegången. Domaren jämförde hennes teckning med de övergrepp som nazisterna utförde, och sa att hon saknade respekt för humanitet och mänskliga rättigheter.
Enligt domaren hade hon gjort sig skyldig till uppvigling, rasism och kanske till och med äventyrat världsfreden! Han gick till och med så långt som att jämföra hennes barnsliga "grisaffisch" med den mest ondskefulla antisemitiska förfalskning som någonsin tänkts ut - "Zions Vise Protokoll"! Och den 8 januari 1998 dömdes tjugusexåriga Tatiana Soskin av Jerusalems tingsrätt till två års fängelse samt ett års villkorlig dom för försök att sätta upp teckningar av en gris döpt till "Mohamed". Hon dömdes för att ha begått en rasistisk handling, stödja en terroristorganisation, försök att väcka religiös anstöt och försök till skadegörelse. Tatianas överklagande till Högsta domstolen behandlades den 30 mars 1998. En dom från Högsta domstolen utfärdades 8 juli 1998, helt förkastande argumenten. Tatiana avtjänade mer än 16 månaders fängelsestraff för att ha gjort en karikatyr. Det hände i "den enda demokratin i Mellanöstern". Tråkigt nog, har arabisk-israeliska medborgare mycket större utrymme i frågor om pressfrihet, åsikts- och yttrandefrihet och frihet att göra kränkande bilder! Åklagare beslöt sig vara hårdare mot henne än de var för mot några arabiska terrorister. Ingen svängdörr-rättvisa för denna dristiga judiska tjej!
Nu snabbspolar vi oss fram till idag. Det prestigefyllda Israel Prize for sculpture har tilldelats Yigal Tumarkin som på en gris satt tefillin [kapslar med stycken ur Tora som fästs vid pannan] och som 4 november 1988 till Tel Aviv Magazine berättade att när han såg haredi-judar han kunde förstå nazisterna. En gång sa han att han önskade att han skjutit ned Rphfael Eitan och Rehavam Ze'evi. Han kallade sedan Tel Avivs borgmästare Shlomo Lahat "Papa Doc" för att denne föreslagit att flytta Tumarkins upp-och-ner-vända glaspyramid Holocaust memorial från stadshusets utsida. Han publicerade en "dementi" i en op-ed i Hadashot 10 dagar senare, om att "judarnas märkliga yttre och sätt att vara pretentiösa vid tanken av att Gud valde oss... fick våldsamma omgivande kulturer att ryka ihop... med denna arroganta minoritet... Bilden av den listige, ambitiösa skurken, lånande pengar till skyhög ränta, förvandlade den krumme kroknästa skäggige juden till civilisationens fiende... som inte hjälper sent omsider upplysta judar".
Var är ambassadör Zvi Mazel, när vi behöver honom? "
Om Dagbladet hade publicerat historien kring denna illustration hade det varit ganska relevant och avslöjande i ljuset av vad som nu händer i Europa. Det är historien. Inte huruvida denna illustration förolämpar muslimer. Muslimer är kränkta av allt, så mycket förstår vi. Det är om hur långt vi går för att försöka undvika att kränka dem som detta handlar.
Etiketter: islam, yttrandefrihet
"-Om detta får fortsätta kommer det till slut att vara för sent. Då kommer vi att få ett 11:e september och ett 7 juni på norsk mark. Det är inget hot utan en varning, sa Mohyeldeen Mohammad, som är talesman för gruppen 'De frivilliga', i sitt tal."youtube
Etiketter: islam, yttrandefrihet
Etiketter: europa
"Unfortenately this is happen at several campuses to several Israeli speakers, but not only to Israeli speakers. Last week at Georgetown Campus General Petraeus was subject to the same type of interference, so I think it's the beginning of a trend that we have to watch very very carefully. A trend of sort of bring the Middle East, where there is no freedom of expression, on to American campuses, and we have to be very [......] indeed to prevent that from happening."youtube
Etiketter: usa, utbildning, yttrandefrihet
"En del anser att den är kulturell, medan andra ser den som religiös. Oavsett vilket degraderar den kvinnor och behandlar dem som ojämlika, mentalt deformerade och några som inte får synas i offentligheten. Klädkoden rymmer hela konceptet av ett segregerat muslimskt samhälle. Tids nog, när det accepterats, kommer det segregerade samhället och alla dess förhållningsregler att leda till islamisk lagstiftning.
Så snart värdlandet accepterat det segregerade muslimska samhället ställs krav på separata simbassänger eller tider när män inte får tillträde. När detta uppnåtts förs kraven vidare till skolor och andra offentliga miljöer. Krav ställs att inga manliga läkare, muslimer eller icke-muslimer, har rätt att undersöka en muslimsk kvinna, så att sjukhus tvingas att tillhandahålla kvinnliga läkare. Dessa direktiv leder till vissa starka invändningar, men de passerar utan åtgärd. Samtidigt förbigår hela samhället det att sharia håller på att införas mitt framför deras ögon. Detta är bara ett exempel på det sätt den islamiska agendan drivs fram på alla håll."
Etiketter: islam
Etiketter: europa, islam, mänskliga rättigheter, yttrandefrihet
Ms. Ye'or talks about her book Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis, published by Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. She looks at the relationship between European and Arab countries since the mid-20th century and argues that Muslims living in Western Europe have significantly influenced their governments' attitudes toward Israel and other countries in the Middle East. During the talk, she also discusses why Turkey should not be allowed into the European Union and addresses the question of European anti-Semitism. Bat Ye'or answers questions from members of the audience following her remarks.
ooo OOO ooo
Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis by Bat Ye'or
This provocative and disturbing book is about the transformation of Europe into "Eurabia," a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. Eurabia is fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic, while striving for Israel's disappearance and the vilification and isolation of America. The institution responsible for this transformation, and that continues to propagate its ideological message, is the Euro-Arab Dialogue, developed by European and Arab politicians and intellectuals over the past thirty years. With all the drama of a master writer, Bat Ye'or presents a wide range of historical and contemporary documents and facts to tell the story of how the European Union is being subverted by Islamic hostility to the very ethics and values of Europe itself. Readers who seek a fair resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict will be shocked by the evidence produced in these pages of unfair pressures and deliberate distortions. Europe's independence of spirit is shown in the process of being undermined. This book challenges the current demonization of Israel and should be essential reading for everyone interested in true peace in the Middle East
Etiketter: europa, islam, mänskliga rättigheter, yttrandefrihet
"Det största hotet mot europeisk bilindustri är just regeringarnas nationalistiska bevarande av varje bilfabrik"Marchionnes åsikt att USA är i ett bättre läge än Europa för att regering, företag och fackföreningar där arbetar åt samma håll är jag inte säker på. Det stora statliga ägandet i GM tror jag blir en belastning.