
måndag, oktober 12, 2009

Reflektion om Dixie Chicks frihetsförsvar...

dixie-chicks1.jpgNedan ur Bruce Bawers bok "Surrender -- Appeasing Islam Sacrificing Freedom", rörande countrygruppen Dixie Chicks påstående att yttrandefriheten upphört sedan deras kritik mot Bush fick några radiostationer att bojkotta dem. Dixie Chicks spann framgångsrikt på detta lögnaktiga påstående så att de t o m fick priser samt gjorde en dokumentärfilm:

"Shut Up and Sing: that was the title of the Dixie Chics' documentary. But the whole point was that nobody had shut them up. On the contrary, the gist of many of their pronouncements was that other people, by exercising their free-speech rights, were denying the Dixie Chichs their free-speech rights. In short, the three women were basically telling their critics to shut up."

Sedan nämns hur senatorn Barbara Boxer jämförde radiokanalers bojkott med nazisternas bokbål och kommunistdiktatorer men vägrade att ingripa när radioprataren Savage förlorade sitt radioprogram efter några antigay-kommentarer (Bawer själv homosexuell).

"If Boxer and others were really operating out of a principled concern for the preservation of free speech , they should be concerned about anybody being silenced; but what plainly underlay the PC left's rhetoric about the Dixie Chicks was not a disinterested dedication to First Amendment freedoms, but a fierce intolerance of those who disagreed with them -- and a self-righteous outrage at the idea that their own views should be subject to scrutiny and criticism by those on the other side of the fence."

Kan knappast sägas bättre. Från kapitlet The Dialectical Scam.

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